I've seen them booked into the county jail
sent to asylum prison hell
run into a cell
the short the tall
the fat the thin
for them no doubt without question of innocence
or guilt...
they are what they are
I've seen them
mixed with murderers
I've seen them side by side
with thieves
the young the old the in between lumped
with the drunk
the derelict the insane
the addict the gunman
the prostitute
they're grouped
with the pimp
the strongarm thug
bandit pusher of dope
horse and stick
And in the eyes of the gentlemen
of the State
Legislation and the Law
They are lowest of the low
Lowest of all by far
are these
the Hoodlum the gangster the embezzler of widow orphan the poor working jerk and the church
are clean but mildly delinquent boys by comparison to these
far better
in the Judicial Eye
than these...
Depraved beyond redemption
Impossible of rehabilitation
nothing to save...
and so they are..